
Law of Attraction: Real, But Misses Something Important

law of attraction

Donald Trump’s apartment in NYC.

Honestly, many of the dreams I have are as real as waking reality, if not more real. The things I am shown!

The first dream I had last night was of a large house with hallways that formed a swastika. I walked down one of these long, dark hallways and came to a dark room with a broken light fixture. It was Trump’s room. I am so hoping that this dream is in no way prophetic!

In the second one, my family lived in an duplex. The other family was a devoutly Christian family that I had known from the days when I went to house church. This family would avoid me whenever they saw me because they saw me as a heretic and a sinner. I became so very lonely! (This mirrors real life. I have not found church relationships to endure at all outside of the church building or home or whatever, except two.) In my loneliness, I went to an expensive life coach, who kindly sent me tickets to a conference featuring Abraham, the entity channeled by Esther Hicks. The whole Abraham deal is about how we create our own reality — law of attraction stuff that can be very right on. Anyway, I arrived at the conference, but because I hadn’t bought the expensive books, they kept me and the other people who hadn’t paid enough behind a curtain where we could listen to what was going on, but not fully participate. The life coach was there. When he saw this, he grabbed me and took me to the front row of the main row. There was some sort of play going on, and I participated in it. I can’t remember what it was about. Meanwhile, the judgmental Christian neighbor was there screaming about how we were all sinners who would have out-of-wedlock babies who would all end up on welfare. I told her that no one would be there if they found the love they were looking for in the church. At the end of the whole thing, Abraham-Hicks was lying in a coffin at the front pretending to be dead. Everyone lined up and went to take part in a rite that was the same as the Christian communion. This felt pretty weird, but I did it. As soon as I put the bread (which was PlayDoh) in my mouth, things went dark and I started to spiral downward into an abyss. I immediately spit it out.

That’s pretty much it. I’m thinking that narrow gate that Jesus talks about is quite narrow indeed. So many of us miss it. There is a lot of counterfeit things out there, as I saw in the vision I wrote about last week.

I’m seeing a LOT of false teachers. A Course in Miracles (supposedly channeled by Jesus) has always intrigued me, because like the Law of Attraction stuff, it has a lot of truth. Yet its writer died miserable and out of her mind by one account. And Marianne Williamson, the main teacher of it these days, is having a snit on Facebook about the election, being rude to her detractors and all. None of the peace and love that she has made millions preaching is on display. Several pastors on both the left and the right are showing little grace as well. It makes me aware of just how far we have to go, and how very elusive the truth that brings peace beyond all understanding actually is.

I’ve given the Law of Attraction a lot of thought lately. I’ve decided that yes, it does give a good picture of how reality actually works, and is likely the reason that Paul says to focus on things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, etc. The thing is, when we try to create our reality in any way without being connected to our Source, the true vine, then things can get seriously messed up, because we are so far from perfect. And you can’t GET truly connected to God as long as you are still in your own will. That Source connection comes when you have surrendered your life and are willing for the Holy Spirit to work through you. So yes, you could manifest a mansion, but you are likely to also manifest several ugly things unless you are fully working in God’s will. I’m thinking Donald Trump is a master of manifestation. Yet he is not where most of us want to be, spiritually speaking. When fully surrendered to Source, you are likely God is likely to manifest some really amazing things — few of which may be material.

For me, all of this simply points to what I wish I’d known long ago. That we can trust no teacher save the words of Jesus (and you’d better watch those interpretations that are out there!) and the teachings of the Holy Spirit. I love how I ask him to show me things and he does. My older son is having a very difficult time living in a different reality than our consensual one, and in his apparent psychosis, I said to God, “Please show me how to help, please show me!” and then listened. The Spirit simply told me, “Love him as if he were Jesus,” which reminded me both of Mother Theresa’s Jesus in “distressing disguises,” and of the dream I had about LOVE raising the dead.

I want to be on that narrow path. With eyes on the world, believe me that the entrance to that path will be obscured among the chaos. May our eyes be open, and may we be guided out of all delusion.


God TV: The Chessboard

I’ve been doing this thing lately. I’ll pray, and then I’ll feel relaxed and sit back and watch what I call “God TV.” This entails me watching the back of my eyelids and saying, “Show me, God.” I don’t always see things, but sometimes I do. When I do, it is like a movie is playing in my head and I am watching it. A bit like a waking dream.

The vision:

I was a white pawn on a giant chessboard. There was a savior chess piece that was like the queen who protected me with its superior moves. I just followed its lead, listening to its directions, and I was always protected from the black pieces. But then one of the black pieces got clever and imitated the voice of the white piece exactly. I no longer knew where to move unless I kept my eyes on the white piece at all times because they sounded exactly the same.

Sounds about like the delusion we are all susceptible to.


The Bread

The dream:

In this dream, I was working with kids who had been sexually abused. This one teenage kid had let adult men abuse him. I asked him why. He told me that he had hoped that God the father would somehow intervene, that he wanted a hug from God. I told him that sex with these older men was not the answer. I got out a package of bread to give to him instead. I said it would help. There were three pieces, but they were as stale as croutons.

I wish I had had fresher bread to offer. 🙂


The Professor

The dream:

I had been putting off taking a college math course until the last semester before graduation. I was terrified I would fail it — too scared to even go to class once it started. I worked out of a workbook by myself instead. When I came to a part that was too difficult for me to understand on my own, I decided I would go to class. The math problem that I was stuck on was like one I had never seen before. It was a comparison of equations of logical beliefs. When I got to class, I found the professor to be unbelievably kind. He provided all of the supplies that the students needed to learn — highlighters, etc. He and I instantly developed a wonderful rapport. He was very funny, and we told jokes back and forth. I fell completely in love with him. He needed a worker to help him in his office, and I gladly volunteered, not caring how much it might pay, if it paid at all. I decided to drop all of my other classes, because this was the only one I had any interest in.

The professor and I had a great time in our friendship. He was awaiting for his bride-to-be to arrive, but in the meantime, he was having a blast. We went on a boat. We encountered huge waves that scared some people, but I had a great time. The big waves would come and pitch the boat forward. I would look at the waves, and there were these crabs with HUGE smiles on their faces just surfing the waves, having a grand old time.

When I woke up, I still felt so in love with this new best friend that I had found. It was one of those dreams you’d like to go back to again and again. I have never felt so in-sync with someone else in my life. It was beautiful.