
We Are All One

waspI am a hippie-dippie mystic Christian. This is the kind of weird thing that can happen when you relentlessly pursue truth and are okay with whatever you are shown, even if it doesn’t fit your existing paradigm. Things are really coming together for me. Today, I am thinking of three dreams.

1. I had went to bed feeling furious at some local conservative Christians who were holding signs about how God is displeased with homosexual individuals. I was really having some unkind thoughts about them. Then in my dream, God handed me a mirror. When I looked into it, I saw Fred Phelps, the now-deceased leader of the nutty Westboro Church that has the “God hates gays” rhetoric. This dream shocked me to the core, as surely I had nothing in common with “those people.”

2. I had been contemplating spraying the wasps in the Mad Kitty office house. My husband Greg had already sprayed them once, but many had persisted and continued to buzz around. I made a mental note to buy more wasp spray. When I went to sleep that night, I dreamed that I was spraying the wasps. As I sprayed, I became the wasp, and began to asphyxiate as the wasp spray hit my face. I woke up gasping for breath and reached for my inhaler. I decided not to spray the wasps. The next day, I asked God to take care of the wasps, and went across the street and politely asked the wasp friends if they would move somewhere else where they wouldn’t scare people. They did.

3. In another dream, I was a chicken. Specifically, a chicken in a chicken plant about to be beheaded. I felt sick with fear. I watched the other chickens die first, and then I knew it was my turn. I resolved to give my life bravely. This dream was the culmination of several other dreams I had had in which eating meat, especially in excess, was compared to rape and cannibalism. I also once had a vision of the roast chicken I was about to eat being a corpse. It was just a temporary little shift in reality that began to open my eyes. After the latest dream, I made the commitment to become a vegetarian.

What these dreams are all saying is that we are ONE. We are one with people we hate (so what’s the point of hating?) and one with those we love. We are one with the environment around us. If we could see the way reality is structured, with nothing being solid, but us all being swirling masses of atoms with space between, we’d understand how much we affect one another and how alike we all actually are. I believe Jesus addressed this. He says: But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.” He also states, ” I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Regarding this last example, if we look at someone lustfully, we deceive ourselves if we think our thoughts stop at our skull. Remember, we are energy, and that includes our thoughts, the waves of which can be measured with an EEG. When one thinks of someone lustfully, those thoughts go out there into the whole, and can even affect the one being thought about. I know this because starting about two years ago, I began to be able to pick up on this stuff. It is like involuntary mind-reading. I’ve had it confirmed enough times to be convinced that we have much less “privacy” than we think, lol.

I know this is not typical Christian stuff. But I’ve discovered one of the keys to freedom is being able to hold conflicting ideas together at the same time, because they might not actually conflict with one another at all. For example, let’s take the idea of sin, possibly the most unpopular topic of all time.

When we sin (behave in selfish, exploitative ways; think hateful and impure thoughts) we literally pollute the people and things around us, since we are all connected. If you are part of an ocean, you cannot decide to be poison and think it will not affect the rest of the ocean. And when a whole bunch of people are okay with being poison (producing and consuming pornography, abusing others, using people sexually, greedily consuming too many resources, etc.) then the entire ocean becomes yuk. I’ve learned that everything that the apostle Paul names as sin in the Bible is in fact sin — something I resisted for years and only came to terms with through dreams and hard experience.

So if we fulfill the great commandment — to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves (because that is EXACTLY what our neighbor IS!!), then we move back to the unfallen state of the garden. Where the lion is lying down with the lamb, where there is no hatred, political divisions or other false ideas. We cannot hate another without hating ourselves. (Yes, this applies to you, Trump haters! And also to you, Obama haters!) When we manage to love everyone, we are going to learn the most amazing thing — that we ourselves are so very very loved.

Here is where my Christianity really comes into play. I was completely unable to love everyone before I decided to surrender my life to Jesus. But when I realized how REAL He is, and how He is the most loving teacher ever, I said, “Flow through me. Use my life.” And that has made all the difference. We cannot do it on our own. Our lower-self/ego/selfishness is simply too strong for us to deal with without us choosing to be connected to the “true vine.” Without that connection, we wither away, lost and overwhelmed in the polluted ocean. Connect yourself to that ultimate power! What once felt like slogging through life will feel like surfing. 😀


Glory-Bound Train

spirited away

I had a wonderful dream last night that felt like it was produced by Hayao Miyazakim, except that the imagery was even more beautifully vivid than even Studio Ghibli’s works. I was on a train that was headed to paradise — in this case, represented by Key West. The train ran on a single rail (narrow path, single minded, not double), and made very few stops. It was completely removed from all of the traffic, etc., and flowed smoothly through the water on an express route to its destination.

At first, I was nervous about being on the train. I wanted to be in control, and asked my husband if perhaps it wouldn’t be better if we got off and drove to Key West instead. I wanted to be the one behind the wheel, in charge. He talked me out of it, and surrendering, I stayed on the train. I gradually became more and more relaxed and began to enjoy the ride. Looking over at the mainland, I was happy I had listened to my husband and stayed on the train. The people who were trying to drive themselves to Paradise were stuck in awful 24-hour traffic jams, over and over, and never reached their destination.

It felt like the 1950’s, because it was made VERY clear to all passengers that this train was NOT segregated. People of all ages, colors and socio-economic backgrounds were on this train. For a while, I was snuggled up next to a homeless black black man, resting. One woman bullied me out of my seat, but the next time I looked, she was no longer on the train. Some troublemakers and murderers were also removed from the train. This part totally reminded me of the song, “This Train Is Bound for Glory.” You know, “this train don’t carry no liars, this train, etc.”

The train had all sorts of different seating options. There were closed cars and also open cars where you could enjoy the fresh air and get a better view of the scenery. I started off sitting with a couple of folks who were on top of the train, but I became worried that I would fall off and went inside a closed car. In there, it was so hot and stifling that I had my face pressed up against the seam of the window trying to get some fresh air. While looking out that window, I saw another enclosed car full of people wearing snapping turtle costumes. They were in even more stifling conditions. Upon waking, I thought, “These are the very religious who are bound to doctrine and very fearful. They are snappish when others offer differing opinions. But still, they are on the train to Paradise — they simply aren’t enjoying the trip.”

I saw one of my sons sitting on an open part of the train with one of the kitties we had when he was growing up. The kitty came to me in the car I was sitting in (I kept moving from one car to the next) and gave me a tool she had found that enabled me to open the door of that car and move to one like the one my son was sitting in — open air, freedom, and room to move as there were very few others sitting in these “freedom” cars.

When I woke up, I felt so very happy to have seen one of my sons on this train. He has taken such a different path, but in his own eccentric way, believes in the saving grace of Christ. He is more guided by the Spirit than most, even though the bad ones try to throw him off track sometimes. I will keep praying that my other son gets on it as well.

The different cars on this train represent different beliefs about how to get to God, I think, and some are quite stifling. Yet none of those people who had surrendered their lives to God (instead of driving themselves) were going to miss out on Paradise. The thing that keeps ringing through my mind as I type this is, “There is freedom in Christ.” We can have a heck of a good time enjoying the ride. 😀


In Which I Climb Down Entirely From the Fence

dreams about yogis

I seem to be on a very definite path lately. It is a path that is pointing me away from all of the other religions and belief systems that I have enjoyed exploring whilst on my truth journey. It started two weeks before Sage left when my extraordinarily intuitive Holy-Spirit guided friend Meg sent me a video that pointed out how some of the esoteric things in the New Age were Luciferian, and I saw the selfishness and deception embedded in some of my own spiritual seeking and was alarmed. That night, I experienced demonic interference in my dreams, which only confirmed what I had suspected. I threw out every esoteric book in the house, and the next morning, not knowing any of this, my son Sage told me that he had lied about all of his spiritual dreams and visions. That he had liked the attention. He would tell me all sorts of fantastical things that he saw in the spirit realm, and I had believed him! This went on for six years! What he told me very definitely influenced my own belief system. So all sorts of things started coming to light. I felt that via my son, I had been guided down a path away from Jesus and real truth by a darkness that was working through him. Whether or not it was all truly a lie, I will probably never know, but I am quite sure that I have been misdirected.

The truth can be a bit difficult to get at, and there are always imposters willing to lead you away with their mixture of 95 percent truth and 5 percent lethal lie.

Enter the dreams. I love them. I am guided by dreams and impressions from God, and am much the better for it. For example, last week I was very sick with allergies, muscle and joint pain. It hurt to move for days. When I was lying in bed one night about to pray, I got this visual image of myself drinking lots and lots of water. I also felt a strong impression to stop drinking diet drinks and tea all day long. So the next day, I drank lots of water all day long. The day after as well. In just two days, all of the pain and most of the allergies were gone! Amazing! I know if I had went to the doctor with that list of symptoms, they probably would have handed me a couple of prescriptions and been a bit puzzled as to the cause of it all. So I value this sort of guidance very much.

My nights have been lit up with a number of dreams that are so very real and rich with symbols that I know I am supposed to pay attention to. Last night, I dreamed that I was at a party and saw a gorgeous prince. I was instantly enamored, and flattered when he began flirting with me. Soon, he told his mother to give me the engagement ring that he had been saving for his bride, and she put it on my finger while the family announced our engagement to the party. I had never been asked, but I was so swept away with it all that I didn’t say anything. Then we were alone in an intimate moment, and a diagram of the seven chakras was all lit up around me with all of the colors. Later that evening, he informed me that I would be doing exactly as he said in our marriage, and made it apparent that he would be controlling my every move. Upon hearing that, I got away from him…FAST!

Then I woke up because someone was pounding on the door at 3:30 in the morning. These weird things have a way of happening when I am supposed to remember a significant dream. It took me a couple of hours to fall back asleep, and then I began dreaming along those lines again.

This time, I dreamed that I was having an interaction with a yogi who ran some sort of shop. He gave everyone a paper with a poem to read, only it was backwards. I was able to see it in the correct orientation, and he was very disturbed that I could do so, as his intent had been to deceive. Then I dreamed that I was telling the story of the dream of the prince to others, and well, here I am doing that. That prince — marriage to his sort is not what I want! I am a bride of Christ, who offers the opposite of the prince — total and complete freedom.

I had had another dream about two weeks ago of being in a dark cave with a yogi who was grabbing my breasts. I looked up to escape, and saw a hole with brilliant light shining through. I was unable to get through it though — there was too much of me!

The Hindu/Yogi dreams are due to my having become utterly fascinated with Hinduism and yogis. The reason for this is that some yogis seem to manifest more Christlike behavior than we see here from most Christians. So I started reading a lot of books by them and was enthralled by the wisdom. Some things didn’t sit right with me, though. I believe in surrendering to God, not a guru with human faults. And I know we are not supposed to hide our lights by meditating 24/7. But things like yogic superpowers (kriyas) fascinated a woman who is determined that people should actually be able to go heal people as Jesus commanded. I also believe that the “getting rid of self” aspect of yoga is right on. However, these three dreams were a warning to get off that path entirely — an answer to prayer, since I am always praying to be guided to stay on the narrow path.

I’ve had a few dreams about witchcraft as well. I used to be into Wicca in my twenties, and left off that after so much darkness began to break through into my everyday life that I slammed that door firmly shut and didn’t have anything to do with spirituality in any form for many years after that. In the latest witchcraft dream, I was wondering if the Christian “word of knowledge” was the same as having psychic powers. (For those who don’t know, a “word of knowledge” is when you get an impression about someone that is true that you wouldn’t ordinarily know. I get it occasionally, and it has helped me to avoid some awkward and untoward situations.) In my dream, a witch friend said, “I’ll show you,” and put her hands on me and transmitted energy to me. When that happened, my mind was filled with black and white static patterns like you’d see on old televisions that weren’t receiving properly.

And then there was the Abraham/Law of Attraction dream. That one showed the Abraham-Hicks person impersonating Christ in his resurrection and having her followers take communion. When I put the bread in my mouth, I was instantly swirled down into a dark abyss. I spit it out and woke up. (I wrote about that dream in this blog post.)

Islam has also been in my dreams. In one of them, I was in a Middle Eastern desert, and there was NO water. A prostitute was able to get a few drops out of a faucet, and that was only because she knew how to love. All of the religious people in the dream were without a drop. In that particular dream, I was also shown a Christian church. In that church, there was a huge waterfall, but sadly, only a few streams of water were trickling down what had once been a conduit for a very powerful flow. Of course, water represents spiritual life.

The dreams show me that all roads point to Christ. Yet even so, it is not simple. I have been directed by a dream to not attend a particular church. And most churches leave me cold, to be honest. I’m not interested in playing religion — not even a little bit. But I am not worried, because I don’t feel alone at all! I’m so thankful for the guidance.


You’ve Already Been Given a Mansion — Will You Believe it and Move in?

Disclaimer: This post has NOTHING to do with politics.

Last night I dreamed that President Trump was my father-in-law and was coming to visit. I frantically tried to fix up our little shack of a house that we bought to be our office. I went to the store, only 10 minutes before closing time, and was frantically buying a bed, a side table, curtains, etc. When I got home with the goods, I realized it was pointless to set all of that stuff up because we hadn’t even laid the floor yet!

But he never came. What he did was send us a plane ticket to New York. Once we were there, Ivana informed me that he had given us their luxury high-rise apartment — just flat out given it to us. I was in such a state of overwhelm that I started crying. She seemed puzzled that I would be surprised by this. After all, he was my husband’s father — of course he would want to take care of us in style! Nothing was required of us. All we had to do was accept the gift.

The next thing I was doing was opening all the windows and looking out at the beautiful view. I wanted to take photos for Facebook and Instagram to let everyone know what I had been given. At one point, I left the building and was stopped by the receptionist when I reentered. I thought, “Oh no, she knows I am an imposter!” but all she wanted to let me know was that I was invited to a family meeting.

Barron was there. He reminds me so much of Sage with his looks of sensory overwhelm. Demons were harrassing him, but I sang and many of them left. Even though he saw himself as a dark person (due to the demonic influence), he still lived in the mansion, and was taken care of. He was a child of his father. This part of the dream is unimaginably comforting to me, as I believe it is God’s way of saying that Sage is in His hands and is His child no matter who he currently thinks he is. Demons like to harrass the Father’s children, unfortunately.

Why Trump? In the parables of Jesus, so often the “King” was used to represent God. Trump, for all practical purposes, is the current king, and makes sense for this story, especially since he owns a mansion way up high and has a son who reminds me of my own. 🙂

So there is this mansion. Our Father has given it to us. It is so hard to believe that he would give us a gift of such majesty that we continue to try to fix up our shacks, trying to make ourselves acceptable to Him. But he already loves us so much. Once we realize that, we will sell all of our little shacks and move into the treasure that we have found.


Law of Attraction: Real, But Misses Something Important

law of attraction

Donald Trump’s apartment in NYC.

Honestly, many of the dreams I have are as real as waking reality, if not more real. The things I am shown!

The first dream I had last night was of a large house with hallways that formed a swastika. I walked down one of these long, dark hallways and came to a dark room with a broken light fixture. It was Trump’s room. I am so hoping that this dream is in no way prophetic!

In the second one, my family lived in an duplex. The other family was a devoutly Christian family that I had known from the days when I went to house church. This family would avoid me whenever they saw me because they saw me as a heretic and a sinner. I became so very lonely! (This mirrors real life. I have not found church relationships to endure at all outside of the church building or home or whatever, except two.) In my loneliness, I went to an expensive life coach, who kindly sent me tickets to a conference featuring Abraham, the entity channeled by Esther Hicks. The whole Abraham deal is about how we create our own reality — law of attraction stuff that can be very right on. Anyway, I arrived at the conference, but because I hadn’t bought the expensive books, they kept me and the other people who hadn’t paid enough behind a curtain where we could listen to what was going on, but not fully participate. The life coach was there. When he saw this, he grabbed me and took me to the front row of the main row. There was some sort of play going on, and I participated in it. I can’t remember what it was about. Meanwhile, the judgmental Christian neighbor was there screaming about how we were all sinners who would have out-of-wedlock babies who would all end up on welfare. I told her that no one would be there if they found the love they were looking for in the church. At the end of the whole thing, Abraham-Hicks was lying in a coffin at the front pretending to be dead. Everyone lined up and went to take part in a rite that was the same as the Christian communion. This felt pretty weird, but I did it. As soon as I put the bread (which was PlayDoh) in my mouth, things went dark and I started to spiral downward into an abyss. I immediately spit it out.

That’s pretty much it. I’m thinking that narrow gate that Jesus talks about is quite narrow indeed. So many of us miss it. There is a lot of counterfeit things out there, as I saw in the vision I wrote about last week.

I’m seeing a LOT of false teachers. A Course in Miracles (supposedly channeled by Jesus) has always intrigued me, because like the Law of Attraction stuff, it has a lot of truth. Yet its writer died miserable and out of her mind by one account. And Marianne Williamson, the main teacher of it these days, is having a snit on Facebook about the election, being rude to her detractors and all. None of the peace and love that she has made millions preaching is on display. Several pastors on both the left and the right are showing little grace as well. It makes me aware of just how far we have to go, and how very elusive the truth that brings peace beyond all understanding actually is.

I’ve given the Law of Attraction a lot of thought lately. I’ve decided that yes, it does give a good picture of how reality actually works, and is likely the reason that Paul says to focus on things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, etc. The thing is, when we try to create our reality in any way without being connected to our Source, the true vine, then things can get seriously messed up, because we are so far from perfect. And you can’t GET truly connected to God as long as you are still in your own will. That Source connection comes when you have surrendered your life and are willing for the Holy Spirit to work through you. So yes, you could manifest a mansion, but you are likely to also manifest several ugly things unless you are fully working in God’s will. I’m thinking Donald Trump is a master of manifestation. Yet he is not where most of us want to be, spiritually speaking. When fully surrendered to Source, you are likely God is likely to manifest some really amazing things — few of which may be material.

For me, all of this simply points to what I wish I’d known long ago. That we can trust no teacher save the words of Jesus (and you’d better watch those interpretations that are out there!) and the teachings of the Holy Spirit. I love how I ask him to show me things and he does. My older son is having a very difficult time living in a different reality than our consensual one, and in his apparent psychosis, I said to God, “Please show me how to help, please show me!” and then listened. The Spirit simply told me, “Love him as if he were Jesus,” which reminded me both of Mother Theresa’s Jesus in “distressing disguises,” and of the dream I had about LOVE raising the dead.

I want to be on that narrow path. With eyes on the world, believe me that the entrance to that path will be obscured among the chaos. May our eyes be open, and may we be guided out of all delusion.


The Bread

The dream:

In this dream, I was working with kids who had been sexually abused. This one teenage kid had let adult men abuse him. I asked him why. He told me that he had hoped that God the father would somehow intervene, that he wanted a hug from God. I told him that sex with these older men was not the answer. I got out a package of bread to give to him instead. I said it would help. There were three pieces, but they were as stale as croutons.

I wish I had had fresher bread to offer. 🙂


A Filthy Mansion and Another Dimension

It seems that at least half the time, this site is a dream journal, so this morning, I’ll just go with that.

Last night I dreamed I was a maid in a huge, gorgeous mansion. I had previously been offered the opportunity to work in a smaller, more humble abode, but had turned it down because I loved the architectural beauty of the mansion. Soon after arriving, though, I realized that I had trapped myself. There was so much work in this mansion that I could never get it done.

There were rooms upon rooms. The bathrooms were stopped up, with filthy stagnent water sitting in the showers. The kitchen was filled with so much candy and other treats that the cabinents would not close. Candy was spilling all over the floor.

Knick-knacks were everywhere, gathering dust, falling on the floor and becoming broken. Piles of dust and dog hair were on the carpets. Cat litter boxes were overflowing, and the vacuum cleaner was clogged with filth.

The people who occupied the mansion were very spoiled and continued making a mess. They raised spoiled children who only thought of themselves. Stuff was everywhere. Piles and piles of stuff. Nice stuff, but too much. Of course, the people who had all of this stuff were completely miserable, and made others miserable as well.

I decided to leave. I encouraged other servants to leave as well, and we snuck out the door. I think this dream, like some others I have had in the past, is a reminder to keep things simple so I can navigate this world relatively unencumbered by things that are not important.


In another dream, I had the opportunity to travel to the “God Dimension.” It was another world, another reality with different rules. It didn’t feel heavenly, really. I don’t really remember it. What I remember is my traveling partner saying to me, “Hey, you’re getting to hairy. It’s time to leave. If you stay here too long, your body hair will get thicker and thicker.” I looked down at my shoulder, and sure enough, black hair was beginning to grow there. I didn’t really care all that much, but he insisted that we leave.

We arrived back to our world, and tried to unlock the door to the entrance. While in the other dimension, our fingers had thickened, making it too difficult to open the lock, another side effect of being gone. I’m guessing that too much time in other worlds makes it harder to fit in to this one…


Why Searching for God Is Pointless

“You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!”
― Rumi

In my latest dream, I wandered around from place to place.

The first place I went was to a fancy hotel in St. Augustine, Florida, where there were many pools of water. I was asleep, and a preacher I knew lovingly set me in the shallow end of a pool, carefully covering the deep end so that I wouldn’t wake up. Once I did awaken, however, I saw that some people were in pools that were almost entirely shaded from the sun. Others were in a pool fed by a glorious, towering waterfall, but when I drew near, I saw that the waterfall pool had been encased in glass, given artificial lighting, and had slowed to a mere trickle. There was an uninspiring choir singing on a stage in front of the waterfall, and a couple of people were watching. It was blah, so I left.

Then I went to a chapel. It was dark inside, and the church had their own bibles in a translation that doesn’t exist outside of my dream. The people were nice enough, but superficial. I told one lady that if “Christians loved as much as they feared, the world would be transformed.” Walking out, I made a new friend. We walked down the street, and I told her that I was glad to have her along because I wasn’t familiar with the city. We made our way to another friend’s house and ate lunch. Then I went exploring in the neighborhood.

I visited a run-down store in an alleyway where a swarthy snake-like man eyed me threateningly as he tried to conceal the dark magic happening in the back of the store. I was afraid, but the friend I had eaten lunch with was there watching out for me. I became even more afraid when I realized that he might judge me for my presence in such a sketchy place, and I went and hid. He came and found me, comforted me and didn’t judge me at all. We walked along together in companionable silence.

Then I went for a boat ride in an underground river. It turned out the river didn’t actually go anywhere but in a circle, like an amusement ride. At the end of the ride, the operator told me that I was worthy of a Koran, and handed me the book. I got out of the boat, and my friend was waiting for me once again.

I felt such angst over all my searching, but my friend simply looked at me with bemusement. I couldn’t believe how accepting he was. I tried to justify why I was exploring all these things, but he didn’t really seem care one way or the other. He was the kind of friend who is there for you no matter how much drama you create.

Thinking about the dream, it was pretty obvious what it was saying about religion. But I couldn’t figure out why I kept dreaming about this friend who kept popping up everywhere. Soon, however, I realized that the friend was Christ. I was running around like a lunatic in this dream, filled with such anxiety over finding the “right” belief, but all the time, Christ was there. (Rumi calls God “the friend,” and I read him a lot, so that helped me to figure it out!)

It was really cool to realize that God loves me no matter what direction I find myself wandering in, and that if I want, I can just hang out with Him, take off my shoes, and not wander — or wonder — at all.


What Are We Swimming in — Polluted Water or Living Water?

God's cleansing waterI had this dream over a week ago, and I had to let it percolate for a while to let its meaning sink in. I had fallen asleep after reading a passage in Luke about the kingdom of God and asking God to help me understand it. Much confusion has arisen because of this passage, and no wonder. It is not a piece of cake to understand at first glance, that is for sure!

Then He said to the disciples, “The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. And they will say to you, ‘Look here!’ or ‘Look there! Do not go after them or follow them. For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

“In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back. Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.”

And they answered and said to Him, “Where, Lord?”

So He said to them, “Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.”

So at 4:44, I woke up to the sound of my cats fighting. Biddlesworth and Gordon regularly fight right before bed, but they’ve usually settled down by the middle of the night. When I woke up, this intense dream had just ended and was fresh in my mind.

In my dream, I was at the beach. People at the beach started getting sick, mainly with cramps in their legs. I thought they were just out of shape, but then I got a cramp as well. The next morning, I started talking to a friend about how perhaps there were chemicals in the water from surrounding manufacturing plants. We walked down to the beach, and floating in the water was a large test strip in a long vial that showed that the water had dangerous levels of several harmful elements.

I thanked God for sending us the capsule and we went to find the company whose name was on the top of the vial. We didn’t get very far. In the first building we passed through, some controlling administrator-type people took the vial from us and hid it in the plumbing of the bathroom. We managed to get it back somehow, though, and ended up taking it to the city manager, who oversaw the lifeguards whose job it was to protect the people swimming in the water.

The lifeguards were simply appalled. The test results showed that the water had been polluted for some time, and they hadn’t known to warn the people. They quickly painted signs with the color red to warn people that the water was polluted. All the while, the evil folks from the prior building were working to destroy the vial and somehow obscure the truth, continuing to lie to the people about the poison in the water.

Eventually, everything turned out pretty much okay, with a plan being set up to regularly monitor the water. Or so it seemed. Then the dream switched into some drama about the lifeguards trying to get out of the building on time. They were running down flights of stairs with piles of clothing, TVs and other things that merely slowed their progress, endangering their lives. Something intense was about to happen in that building, and destruction was near.

Once they were at the bottom, everyone started to relax. We went into a room that had at least 40 huge water mains that needed to be turned on. It was time to turn on this fresh water and let it flow. The amount of fresh water that would flow through this building was enormous. However, the motor that would pump the water out was temporarily malfunctioning. One girl (a lifeguard?) became impatient and went ahead and left the building, even though if the pump started working, she’d be washed away.

Finally, the pump started up, and water started to flow, faster and faster, more and more. The girl began to run. Her flight was slow because of a little dog she had with her that was holding her back. She kept pausing to wait for it, even though the water was coming. When the water finally came in all its power, it was terrible. It knocked down trees like matchsticks and swept them, cars and other debris down the street. It collapsed the hill the girl had run screaming down and she surely died. There was a lot of chaos as everything was swept away. This is when I woke up.

After giving it some thought, it seems that the water coming from the building with the lifeguards is God’s cleansing water. It washes away poison and cleans away the crap in our lives — and culture, if we — the lifeguards — turn it on. And the Church — people who love God — has perhaps been remiss in maintaining the engine that allows God’s love to flow through us. Once you decide to turn it on, there is no turning back. It will transform your life and sweep away the old you. You can’t hang on to your attachments. It will transform the lives of others.

I think this is what Jesus may mean by his words above about the Kingdom of God. These words have been interpreted to mean that some people will vanish into thin air when Jesus comes down out of the sky. While anything at all is possible, I don’t think this is correct. Jesus — the Christ-consciousness of truth, love and peace — can come into our lives like lightening at any moment. When it does, your self will die and be carted away to the garbage even though a person right next to you is perfectly happy living their old life. Meanwhile, you find yourself living in God’s Kingdom — here on earth in that other dimension that is accessible through love and God’s grace.

When Christ is revealed to us, all the eating, drinking, buying, selling, etc. becomes less important. It is “destroyed” by the light of His revelation that what is important is God’s true light — this world is but an illusion.

I have such a desire to see people recognize the poison in this world. We are having public shootings on almost a daily basis, and if that is not one barometer of a poisoned society, I don’t know what is. I pray that God’s cleansing water come enter the life of all and wash away what is not true.

If you are reading this and you do not identify as Christian, please don’t be offended. I believe God’s Kingdom is available to all, regardless of creed. Christ’s consciousness is for all who seek the light of God and Truth, even when it is called something else.

The joy of the Lord is my strength.


Infinite Reality, Spiritual Sin and Illusion: Sage’s Dream

in my fathers house there are many mansionsWhen I was pregnant with my youngest, my mother told me that I should call him Emmanuel, “Christ is with us.” I ended up naming him Sage, of course, but the name my mom chose would have been even more accurate. When Sage woke up this morning and told me his dream, I truly felt that Christ was with me, illuminating my mind to the nature of reality that I always question so very much. The words coming out of my son’s mouth were simply beautiful.

In his dream, he was with an instructor who had a bunch of young folks with him. The instructor led them all to an infinite hallway, and gave them instructions.

“You’ve got this one lifetime to learn everything you can. We’ll meet up again in 70 or 80 years,” he said. “Don’t get lost. If you get lost in your reality, you’ll get stuck until you die.”

In the hallway were many other hallways branching off. Within those hallways were individual rooms. Within these rooms were more infinitely long hallways, and so on.

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

Some of the people had fun visiting other people’s realities and even becoming part of them. Others were frightened by the entire experience and decided not to participate. They just sat there.

Eventually, the instructor came back and offered the group the opportunity to either rest for a while in an astoundingly peaceful place called the “break room” that was simultaneously everything and nothing, or to go to another place for another period of time. The trip to the break room or yet another world of infinite realities is what we call “dying.”

When the instructor said not to get lost in your reality, what he meant was for us not to get caught up in ego and fear. For example, not to worry about what other people think, or whether or not we live in a “safe” neighborhood or have enough money for retirement. Getting caught up in these things stops the spiritual growth we were put here to experience.

You can go INTO your own reality, or you can go OUT into truth, considering everything that could possibly be. Realize that everything we see is an illusion and we can avoid going inward into a reality in which the argument we had with our mother is important, for example. To go into truth, is simply focusing on helping others and being kind. In other words, LOVE.

The instructor warned not to get stuck in a personal reality in which one thinks they have risen spiritually as far as they can go — in other words, believing one is Godlike and has nothing left to learn. This reality leads to spiritual stagnation and death, he said. When I heard this, I immediately thought of spiritual pride, and Sage confirmed that is what the instructor was referring to.

You can get other people lost in your own reality. This is a spiritual sin. Think of someone who ropes another person into an unhealthy belief system, subsequently blinding that person to the ultimate truth of his existence.

The dream continued.

Sage went to another world. In this world, he met our deceased cat Varmint. He hung out with her, and on their journey, they ran into some people with a meat grinder. These people were throwing plants, animals and people haphazardly into the meat grinder. They tried to grab Varmint, but Sage grabbed her and saved her. They left, and Varmint found a nice comfy couch to lie down on. Then her spirit arose from her, and it was one of an old lady. (I hooted at this, because Varmint always acted like an old lady.) Then the spirit changed into a young woman, who thanked Sage from rescuing her from that body, which was now represented as a metal prison of sorts. She told him that he rescued her by caring for her and loving her.

The meat grinder people, says Sage, are greedy world controllers — brainwashers, manipulators, power lusters. Think governmental and corporate control.

The whole point of it all, says Sage, is that we are here to learn, and we rise by helping others. Everything else is an illusion.

The entire time he was telling me his dream, it resonated with me so much. I felt my spirit saying, “YES!!!”

I think about the Beast in John’s Revelation, and I can see it being the meat grinder in Sage’s dream. Regarding the spirit being let out of the prison, I think of Jesus’ words about “setting the captives free.” There was so much spiritual truth here, and as I talked to my son, I felt as though I was talking to an old, old person with a very clear mind. I asked him questions and he answered them as though he were a direct channel to the divine.

I just told Sage about my sense of him being an open channel while talking to me about the dream, and he agreed. He said, “I still am. Ask me questions while you still can. Work that soul!” 🙂 Love it.

Life is cool. The joy of the Lord is my strength.